When your workday prohibits you from getting to the gym, don’t despair! Certified Personal Training Andrea Metcalf has created a workday workout anyone can find time to do. Part of a two-part series, the first segment focused on exercises you can do during the early morning and on your commute. This segment focuses on simple things you can do once you reach the office and after work. Remember: Even the smallest adjustments to your daily regime can make a big difference in your fitness. Give these a try!

At Work:

1. On the hour.

Each hour while chained to your chair at your desk, add in a simple exercise routine. There are several exercises you can do sitting in your chair.

– Chair Marches:  Place your hands on the chair or armrest for support. Lift your legs, bringing one leg up at a time with your legs bent at the knees. Keep your arms straight. Alternate leg lifts 20-30 times. 



– Chair Squats:  Start by setting your legs shoulder-width apart. Stand up and sit halfway down for 10-15 repetitions. Use your arms and legs for support.



– Toe Pulls: While sitting down, lift your legs keeping your feet about 6″ off the ground. Move your toes up and down for 20-30 repetitions. 



– Pushups on the desk. Place hands on the desk and walk feet back to a slight angle. Push away from the desk keeping your belly pulled in and core tight.



– Chair Knee Lifts.  Sit on the chair with your knees bent with flat feet. Hold the sides of the chair and pull your knees toward your chest, working your core. Repeat for 15-20 repetitions. 



2. Print Away.

Next time you need to print your a document, chose to print it another station or floor. This will remind you to keep moving and see some new faces in the office as well.

3. Water Well.

Use a smaller water bottle so you have to get up several times a day at work to refill your water. You’ll be more likely to drink up and move it too.



1. 10-Minute rule.

Make a new rule in your humble abode to walk 10 minutes before or after your dinner. Walk the dog, walk with your roomie or just get out and walk by yourself.  Getting yourself in the habit of walking right before or after you eat is so good for your body.

2. Bedtime Routine.

Change up your bedtime routine and try a few healthier habits. Instead of keeping your smart phone on the nightstand, change it to a bottle of water and put your smart phone in the bathroom to charge overnight. Drink your water as soon as you wake up to re-hydrate your body. Turn off the news and pick up a journal. Writing in a journal to review or plan out your day is very relaxing. Turn down the temperature to a cooler 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal sleep.  


Don’t let quizzical looks from co-workers dissuade you! Make every minute count as you transform your daily routine into a healthier lifestyle.



 Andrea Metcalf

Andrea is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutritionist and Health Expert. She’s based in Chicago and has appeared on NBC Today Show, USA Today, Oprah.com, Rueters Health Report, More.com, Better TV and local Chicago stations. You can find her at www.andreametcalf.com.

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