Privacy Policy
Smart LifeBites (powered by Crispy Green, Inc.) recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of information we may collect from our online visitors. To this end, we are committed to using our best efforts to respect the privacy of our online visitors. We intend to balance our legitimate business interests in collecting and using information received from and about you with your reasonable expectations of privacy. The following is the way we handle information learned about you from your visit to our website.

Collective Data

Some Smart LifeBites websites deposit specific bits of information called “cookies” in a visitor’s computer. Cookies are sent back only to the website that collected them when a visitor returns to that site. Cookies can tell us how and when pages in a website are visited and by how many people. This technology does not collect personally identifiable information; the information collected is in an aggregate, non-identifiable form. With the information we can learn through this technology, we hope to improve our sites.

Also, we gather information about you that is automatically collected by our Web servers, such as your IP address and domain name Smart LifeBites may use this information to customize its offerings and presentations.

On occasion, we contract with third parties to place cookies on your computer’s hard drive. These third parties have entered into an agreement with us that requires them to observe our Privacy Policy.

Some of our business partners may use cookies on our site (for example, links to business partners). We do not want our business partners to use cookies to track our customer’s activities once they leave our sites. However, we may not have total control over how our business partners may use cookies on our Web site. If you become aware that a Smart LifeBites business partner is placing an unwanted cookie on your hard drive, please contact our privacy officer to assist us in resolving the problem.

Crispy Green, Inc. (Smart Lifebites)
10 Madison Road, Suite D
Fairfield, NJ 07004

Personally Identifiable Information

Smart LifeBites collects personally identifiable information, such as names, addresses, E-mail addresses, name, telephone number, credit card number and the like, only when voluntarily provided by a website visitor. We use your telephone number only if there is an order-related issue, not for marketing purposes. Our server stores this information so that placing future orders will be quicker and more comfortable. If you want to update your address or change credit cards, go to Your Account and make the appropriate changes. You must be signed in to access Your Account. We will notify you as to the uses we intend to make of that information.

Links to other Sites

As a resource to our visitors, Smart LifeBites provides links to other websites. We try to carefully choose websites which we believe are useful and meet our high standards. However, because websites can change so quickly, we can’t guarantee the standards of every website link we provide or be responsible for the content of non- Smart LifeBites sites.


We do not specifically collect information about children.


Any changes to this privacy policy will be communicated promptly on this page.

Smart Lifebites