The key to increasing your well-being is taking care of yourself in all areas of your life, not just one. Arguably, the two of the most important areas for general well-being are what you eat and how well you sleep. We’ve got your healthy eating covered so now it’s just making sure you understand how to sleep better every night of the week.

Getting a good night’s sleep on a regular basis is important so that you can perform at your best no matter what you are doing, whether tomorrow will be filled with work or leisure. While we have always known sleep is needed, it is now considered important for both our short and long-term physical and mental health.

But when you’re busy working and living your life, it’s easy to neglect sleep. It’s often only when our healthy sleep pattern becomes seriously disrupted that we realize just how important a good night’s sleep is. Getting a consistent amount of sleep every night is a challenge at the best of times.

Thankfully scientists have been concerned with sleep research for many years and the tips offered in the infographic below are based on years of research aimed at improving sleep quality. But before we even consider how to sleep better, it’s important to understand what a good night’s sleep is. The National Sleep Foundation recently explained exactly what a typical good night’s sleep is for an adult, with these four factors:

1. You take half an hour or less to fall asleep.
2. You wake up no more than once per night.
3. If you do wake up in the middle of the night, you fall back asleep within 20 minutes.
4. You’re asleep for at least 85% of the time you spend in bed.

If you are regularly meeting all four of these factors then, in general, you don’t have any problems with sleep. However, if you or your family are regularly failing to meet one of the factors then it is likely your healthy sleep pattern has room for improvement.

For more information about the science behind a perfect night’s sleep check out the following infographic created by De Vere Hotels below!

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