Easy meals for back-to-schoolEven if you’ve scoured Pinterest a hundred times for easy school meal ideas this season, it never quite seems to be enough – especially when you’re feeding fussy kids five days a week! Don’t fret, though – the gang from The Ohana Adventure has you covered with tons of awesome ideas that can help you be pro-pack-tive by sending your kids to school with a healthy lunch, as well as whip up delicious breakfasts and snacks that will help them power through their day.

Make meals in batches to save time on hectic school days, recommends Rachel Bennett of The Ohana Adventures. For breakfast, try serving up French Toast or waffles the easy way by making a large quantity and then freezing them, so that they can be served quickly on a weekday morning. You can also whip up some homemade granola bars that can be served as a great mid-morning snack to keep the kids focused when they are at school. (Sunday meal prep will help you immensely!) Instant oatmeal topped with peaches, berries or bananas can be another quick choice for breakfast.

In order to plan for a healthy lunch, look for a divided lunchbox or bento box that will allow you to pack a balanced meal full of fruits, veggies, starches (and maybe something sweet!) to fuel your child through their day. If you’re worried about keeping fruit fresh in the lunchbox all day until the lunch bell rings, Rachel Bennett suggests packing some freeze dried Crispy Fruit snacks. They’re made with one single ingredient – just fruit – and they come in seven different flavors that stay fresh and crispy until they’re ready to be enjoyed.

Check out the full video below from the crew at The Ohana Adventure! And be sure to subscribe to their YouTube channel for more ideas on how to have fun every day with the whole family.

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