We’ve all struggled with trying to make a healthy lunch for ourselves or for our kids. Sometimes the more convenient option is to buy lunch from school or at work and call it a day! However, that is not the healthiest choice. Thankfully, we came up with an easy infographic to show you how to build a better sandwich. Fast, easy, healthy and delicious!

We layered it out to make it as easy as possible: pick a whole grain, add a protein, layer on fruits and veggies, and lastly, make it extra special.

First off you’re going to want to pick a whole grain. We added many choices, so don’t make excuses! They are all healthy regardless of which one you decide to go with. Research shows that eating whole grains as part of a healthy diet can help reduce the risk of heart disease, some types of cancer and Type-2 diabetes. They also help reduce cholesterol, regulate blood sugar levels and can aid weight control! Whole grain for the win.

Once you’ve decided which whole grain you want to go with, continue with choosing a protein. Again, we added many choices including options for the vegetarians and vegans of the world. We recommend chicken or turkey, since they are the leanest meats of all. If you’re feeling spontaneous, you can double up on your protein and also include some chickpeas. It makes the perfect post work out meal!

Don’t forget to add your fruits and veggies. If you like a little crunch with your sandwich, pack a bag of freeze-dried Crispy Fruit by Crispy Green in your lunchbox. That will help you get a whole serving of fruit to go along with your sandwich. Lastly, make your sandwich extra special. Give your sandwich some taste with low-fat dressing, light mayo and more.

Check out the infographic from Produce for Kids below, which you can print out at home to help build a healthier sandwich for you and your kids!

Click for Printable Infographic

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