Do you see the start of the school year as a time of renewal and recommitment? Here are some of the ways our social fans and followers kick-start their healthy eating goals and fitness resolutions. You don’t have to wait until January to start health resolutions—begin with your next meal or snack!
Healthy Eating Tips & Resolutions
- Don’t deprive yourself of your favorite foods. Just give yourself the handful richness/density rule: Allow yourself the equivalent of one handful of your favorite food and balance it with a minimum of 20 minutes of cardio exercise. Then you have some portion control, are burning some calories, and hopefully feeling good about yourself instead of deflated or deprived.
- Always drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruits and veggies.
- Fill individual zip-top bags with fruit and smoothie ingredients and keep them in the freezer. Every morning, grab one to blend and then take it with you.
- Eat like a crayon box. Choosing a variety of foods from these color groups is the way to consume your fruits and vegetables.
- Keep a food diary to help you track what you’re eating throughout the day.
- Stop drinking sodas (or other sugary beverages).
- Eat more organic foods and avoid all junk foods.
- Eat more dark greens and reach for fruit instead of carbs for a snack.
- Resolve to start your day with a healthy breakfast.
- Never go food shopping while hungry.
Exercise Tips & Resolutions
- Carry a jump rope or resistance bands in the car for a quick and easy workout.
- Work out with your significant other. The mutual encouragement and support really helps ensure that workouts happen on a consistent basis, and progress is made.
- Exercise every day even if you can only do 15 minutes at a time. It will help you make it a lifestyle habit.
- Take the stairs whenever you can for a little extra cardio at work.
- Take more challenges, and take your workout outdoors!
- Go for a hike, every week!
- Go an extra block further when you walk your dog… all these extra steps count!
- Go swimming!
- Always exercise first thing in the morning, even if you have to get up a bit earlier. No excuses!
- Stay consistent.
Everyday Well-being Tips & Resolutions
- Don’t look at your phone an hour before bed. Do some stretching and yoga 30 minutes before going to bed instead!
- Resolve to stress less and take tasks one step at a time. Listen to more music to get you motivated, moving, and relaxed.
- Surround yourself with positive people, think positive thoughts and strive to do positive things. Pay it forward!
- Write your goal where you will see it daily. Include weekly or monthly goals as a part of the larger goals, but give yourself a reward at the interval goals. It’s all about determination and motivation!
- Park the car far away, so when you go shopping you get a really good walk in and fresh air too!
- Quit smoking.
- Make a point to get sufficient sleep and rest.
- Wear sunscreen every day to save your skin.
- Always turn off the electronics and engage with family and friends when you have the opportunity.
- Smile and laugh more!